Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hatha Yoga

So proud of the students learning to take back their energy and focus on their inner selves. It's challenge for adults to take time out to exercise conservation of energy. I hope this seed planted serves to be useful in their journey.

~ Lorraine K. McCall Founder

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Feminism 101 for Girls: A Report Back

Dear CFC Community,

Sunday November 14th was a day I had dreamed about for sixteen years. I took my first Women’s Studies courses second semester senior year at Spelman College with the formidable feminist scholars and teachers Dr. Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Dr. Johnetta B. Cole, and Dr. Kim Wallace-Sanders. The entire semester I thought why am I learning about this “feminism” now when I needed it in high school. Well, this past Sunday we were able to introduce “feminism” to ten black teenage girls from Atlanta and it was more amazing than I could have ever dreamed.



Dr. Beverly Guy-Sheftall was there to see a generation of scholars, some of whom she trained in black feminism, share the way we view the world with the next generation of girls. Even more important, these young ladies shared their ideas and perspectives with us on a range of issues and then thanked us for letting them speak their minds. How great is that!

Thank you, all the supporters who contributed financially, reposted the blog, and sent kind words and well wishes. I want to thank the facilitators: Mashadi Matabane, Chanel Craft, and Asha French for your fantastic patient thoughtful facilitation. Thank you Nicole Franklin and Lorraine McCall for making arrangements for the participants to come and for the continuous work that you do with young black girls in your work and spare time. Shout out to Dr. Ruth Nicole Brown and SolHot for modeling good pedagogy and your ongoing commitment to girls.


I want to thank NWSA for allowing us to bring young girls into this powerful space. I am not certain, but I think this may have been the first time there were girls included in the schedule of the National Women’s Studies Association conference. Thank you CFs and allies for participating and providing much needed support prior to, during, and after the workshop. Everything was fabulous, especially the dance circle close-out.


I feel so blessed and I can’t wait to do it again. Next up–Feminist Saturday School for Girls!

Sheri Davis-Faulkner

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Breathing Meditations

Visions of Rainy thanks Practioner Marlo Oliver for investing her time and energy in the students of the Crayons Girls Draw With.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Quilting Our Stories

Visions of Rainy would like to thank Sandy Ministries for their partnership in the Quilting Our Stories Project.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Jessica's Words

I look like an average third grader with a dream of being something that has no meaning to others.

My right hand holding tight I can cross bridges that might fall.

My right hand holding tight I can feel the shielding sun.

My right hand holding tight I can help myself understand the things I misunderstood.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"Words Are Visual" with Asha French

Recently, The Crayons Girls Draw With had the honor to receive instruction in a creative writing class with Miss Asha French. Poet, Lucille Clifton was introduced to class via the recitation of the poem Won't You Celebrate With Me. Students were provided an opportunity to discuss the poem in depth communicating their translation of Ms. Clifton's words. As a result of utilizing select 1 lined phrases from the poem the students were challenged to write their version with no breaks of thought.

Visions of Rainy, Inc. thanks Asha French for her contribution to the student's journey of 'Self-Literacy'. It was awesome to watch the students bathe in your rain of positive encouragement and recognition.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

She Could Production | Come Join Us

I'm Black When I Sing, I'm Blue When I Don't

Titiana | She Could

She could, She could,She could,

She could be the best individual that she strives to be.

She could be very successful in life.

She could have high expectations for herself.

She could be a bright individual.

She could have high confidence and know that she’s the prize.

She could love and respect herself for whom she is.

She could love.

She could hate.

She could dream.

She could change an become a better individual.

She could excel.

She could conquer.

She could!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Visions of Rainy, Inc. is proud to partner with Raising Expectations, Inc. in a mission to make a positive impact on the inner city youth of Atlanta. Ten beautiful young ladies have been selected and awarded the LaVerne Douglas Scholarship in order to participate in Visions of Rainy, Inc. pilot after school program The Crayons Girls Draw With Self-Development at Kennedy Middle School. During the course of 19 weeks, these young ladies will be afforded classes in the following fields: Visual Art, Dance, Photography, Environment, Meditation, Yoga, Creative Writing, Theater and Multimedia. On a weekly basis the students will be sharing their life perspectives, art, vision, photographs and experiences will participating in this program. To show community support in their self-realization, please follow their entries leaving words of encouragement and input on The Crayons Girls Draw With blog site.

Visions of Rainy, Inc. thanks you in advance for the love, time and energy invested to support our mission of promoting the "Self-Literacy" of our youth via art education.


Lorraine McCall, Founder Executive Director

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Art Creating Break Throughs

The Crayons Girls Draw With was graced with Atlanta's Visual Artist Tracy Murrell. Tracy being fascinated by a love for color, shape and texture coupled her inspiration with Visions of Rainy, Inc. mission ...... and art makes an impact again.

The students affirmed self with words and colors while working through feelings of their artistic expression being enough to learning everything is art work in progress. After Murrell's devoting her time, energy and skill to three classes, some students were able to communicate in depth about the textures of life they moved through and how it makes them feel. Be sure to come out in May 2011 to view the entire collection. Visions of Rainy, Inc. and The Crayons Girls Draw With participants send out infinite love and light to Tracy Murrell's contribution.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

She Could (work in Progress)

She could have caught the moon or sat back
and cried believing in wonderful things
change the world by her speeches maybe call for help

She could fly full of happiness and joy
lived and slept
climb trees with nature
her life was on a spoon

She could have said she was involved with the mountains
with her heart in her hand and lungs around her neck
She could have been born loved through the winding maze of stars

Written by The Crayons Girls Draw With 2011